Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 18: 9/13/06

At the same Clearwater landing that we were picked up from the night before, we prepare ourselves for departure. There is no river skipping on this journey.

Here we passed the Monticello nuclear power plant. The cooling towers are behind Joe and the water used to do the cooling runs off back into the river on the left side of the pic. Thermal pollution is a term given to this event, since the water from the plant tends to be fairly warmer than the natural river water.

A daring Garter Snake crossed our bow as we were traveling on a rather calm section of the river. It was only about ten inches long, so we both thought some large fish would come along and gobble him up, but he made it to the other side without any trouble.


At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Patrick says that snake is 'cool'.

You made the 'big time' last week at Patrick's show and tell. He took pictures and shared information about his cousins.

Amy says it was nice meeting you.

Your Brainerd Cousins

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys~

It is great to hear that you guys took a stand against a percieved threat you saw in our environment. Most college students go throughout college just absorbing all the knowledge about problems in our world today but do not actually take action to change anything, when really we can make a HUGE impact. You brought attention to a critical issue and have raised eyebrows and what would have possibly been ignored has now gotten attention and only good things can come from this. Even if the word doesnt spread to a lot of people on the work you did, you made a difference in your life and have made a difference in the people you encountered along your journey!!


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