Monday, September 04, 2006

Day 9: 9/4/06

Day 9 greeted us with some 50 degree temps, which had us grabbing our stocking hats. There was also some low fog on the water, which we parted as we left Ms. Keto Campsite to meet with our expedition manager a.k.a. our father. Above we encountered some old bridge pilings.

Here we ate brunch at Aitkin's Roadside Cafe' fueling up again. We also got some more supplies, including a different stove, a new dry bag, and yes some more delicious food (Thanks!) Above we enjoy our meal and are blinded by our father's bald spot or to him what he calls gleaming wisdom.


At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are ahead of schedule. I am a cousin of yours (found out about your trip from my sister in Winona), have never met you, and I live with my family in Brainerd. My son, Patrick (8), thought your trip sounded so cool that he is going to mention it at show and tell on Thursday. If we knew when you would be through Brainerd we would love to see you go by or say hi to you. We live just across the street from homes that are on the Mississippi River (near the last bridge out of Brainerd).

Did you contact the paper here? They would probably take a picture and put it in the paper if they knew you were going through.

Good luck on your journey...

a cousin

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Joe and Ben,
Today was the first day of school. The lunch ladies were serving leftovers.
Recycle, reuse, regurg

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe & Ben,
Great fun keeping up with your progress. Thanks for the effort.
Uncle Bill

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet sons, how proud I am of you and this journey. I wish good health and weather. Nate and Dan would love to be at the levy in Winona to see you. I would meet you in Dakota and give you some medicanal libations (OK's by Grandma Miriam)for the trip. Paddle on!

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so the "cousin" who left a comment above seems to have forgotten her name. her name is carol, she has a husband tom, and two children. one girl, amy, an one boy, the abovementioned patrick (who are really cute). my mom's name is mary, and she's the one in contact with your mother.

i think this whole contacting relatives that probably don't care is really weird and i'd to apologize for my crazy family - they're all into looking up relatives.

again, sorry for the randomness.

(and yes, i'll leave my name)

At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi boys! Love the blog, though it kinda hurts those of us stuck in offices and classrooms all day to see you romping on the river. (Payback time in November, Chicken Boy and Tidy Bowl Man.) But seriously, what a great trip and super cool to be "there" with you.

These "new" relatives of ours are a hoot, eh?! (A shout out to my distant cousins!) More family to love!

And I love you guys!
Auntie Marg

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Grandma P and Auntie Joan checking in here. We just read through the blog, before Grandma goes to dinner. She's quite proud. I'll print it off this weekend so she can boast in the lunchroom. Love you guys. Stay well, have fun!

Love Grandma and Joan

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I'll be in New Orleans for a meeting Nov.28-29.
Slow down.
Uncle Pat

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi- I'm Laura's roommate! I just wanted to say that I think it's really cool what you two are doing. And.. my cabin is in Palisade and I thought it was so cool to see pictures of that and the Roadside Cafe!!! Good luck with everything! -Anna


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