Sunday, November 05, 2006

Day 59: 11/4/06

A lone coyote prowls the farmland bordering the river. We've heard them almost every night, but they're rather shy when the sun is out.

Now we not only have to worry about Poison Ivy, but Poison Oak as well. Luckily, they look very similar, so we shouldn't have too much trouble.

Our kind of radio station! Not only is it named "The River", they play "whatever". What?


At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, we want to know if you also went to the tasting room at Anheuser Busch in St. Louis. They actually use people there to do marketing research on beer. Just wanted you to know that we look at your blog at least 2-3 times a week, and you have fans in UK, Germany, Princeton (NJ--which is sort of like a foreign country), Eden Prairie (of course) and who knows where else. I tell strangers on the street on what you have done and we are so proud of you. Please be safe as you decide what happens next. Love you both! Auntie Joan and Uncle Randy who can't remember their Blogger id!

At 2:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY HEY! I hope you two are keeping warm...where have the beards gone? Met an amazing guy at work today who has canoed everything he can since the 70's...he was marketing his book and when I told him about you he autographed one and demanded that I give it to you upon your SAFE return. Everyone thinks you're super cool and totally mocho (sp?) The mortensen's think of you often and always send positve vibes. We check the blog very often and smile! You guys RULE! Many happy returns of the day and may the last weeks of your adventure be awesome! Looking forward to hearing from yall upon your return!
Truly Alia and the Mortensen's!

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, you do have beards...they are just not as amish and HUGE as the one Ian has on his face...don't let that worry you, I can't grow a beard to save my life!

At 7:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when I thought you could not possibly make me more proud of you--you do something like this! I am SO EXCITED to learn that you are going to spend some time on Habitat projects in New Orleans. You guys are so amazing, and I am so proud of you. Travel safe....Auntie Joan


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